Hi everyone!
We're super stoked that we've had so many people play the game and give us their honest feedback and thoughts so far, so thanks to all of you for that! What we want to know now is: would you like to see ANOVA be developed further? We have a lot of ideas we're ready to execute on, but one obstacle in front of us right now is a matter of resources: the team is quite small right now, and it takes considerable time for us to create new episodes. We would need to expand the team in order to crank out new content for your enjoyment, so we'd be using the proceeds from a funding campaign to do exactly that.
And by "crank out", we don't mean just haphazardly slapping together anything and everything to say we did! We're super motivated to make something for you that you're going to LOVE playing, and we'll get there eventually even if we don't raise funds to expand the team. It's just going to take a lot longer that way, and we'd rather be in a position to get new content out to you sooner (and more frequently!) than that if we can. Episode 2 is already in motion, but we'll be able to finish it (and more) even faster with your help!
With all that in mind, please let us know your thoughts! We're already considering what kinds of special Kickstarter offers we might be able to support, so if there's enough interest, we'll start working in earnest toward that goal and send out another update when we know for sure that we're going to do it.
Thank you!
The MontiGames Team
Count me intrigued and ready to join this kickstarter